Thursday, March 24, 2005

2:01 PM

Sitting in my office chair, my feet on the desk, my iPod on random shuffle, rolling my ball from hand to hand. One hour till General Hospital.

I squint a little. If I tilt my head to the side, I can just see my brand new white coat hanging on the coat rack in the outer office. Been a long time since I bought one of those, so long that I'd forgotten my size. They had to get out the measuring tape. Their verdict didn't sound right at first but I tried on the coat and it fit, so I guess they know their business. But of course Wilson would go someplace with tailors who knew their business.

If I tilt my head a little further to the side, I can see the kids quietly scribbling away at the conference table. I've been through three regime changes, but this is first I've been through one that thought treating patients was a waste of resources. I feel like a louse that he had to drag Cuddy into it, too.

I toss my ball one more time and then just hold it. This is a teaching hospital, and he wants me to fire a student.

What am I going to do?


Blogger Sanlin said...

It's not the tailors, Doc. It's the fact that *conformity* just doesn't fit you well, no matter the size, color or label. That's what's chaffing, rubbing and itching, any time you put on that lab coat... You were born to be a 'bad boy' rebel dancing to your own beat and 'playing nice'/sucking up doesn't sit well on your regal brow. Wilson knows about more than tailors--he knows office politics. Generally, you don't get to where he is, before 40, without being good at the 'game.' Vogler's not a politician, though... He says he's all about business. But, I can spit further than I'd trust that reptile. He's not just unethical, he's evil. I liked the mobsters a *lot* better (and for more than their *impeccable* taste in gifts... ;-) Hmmm... I wonder if they own a 'cement company...' ;-) ) And, you've got more troubles than you've listed... *someone's* been ratting you out to Vogler. Betrayal's never a pretty thing, no matter which way you slice it.

Vogler couldn't cut at you, directly, so he's cutting around you... Cuddy, the Ducklings, etc. ... targeting the people who are closest to you and support you the most. Something tells me he's just getting warmed up. But, I don't doubt you've got what it takes to combat Mr. Evil. After all: the worse they are, the harder they fail. ;-) Hang in there, Doc... Never comes the night without a dawn. It just *seems* like it'll last forever while the darkness is still gathering and deepening.


March 24, 2005 11:48 PM  
Blogger charlesdowney said...

Like any other safety equipment, lab coats must be worn properly in order to provide any real benefit. Every snap, button or zipper on a lab coat should be used--an open lab coat is an invitation for stray spills. Sleeves should also extend past the wrists, not rolled up for comfort or ventilation. Some lab coats have openings for access to pants pockets, but this can compromise the wearer's safety.

September 04, 2009 5:26 AM  

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