Saturday, January 22, 2005

8:50 AM

last night's sleep rating: C+

I had no idea you people were paying such close attention. I thought about trying to make it more objective, but I don't think I can. It's like asking patients to rate their pain where zero is nothing and ten is the worst they can possibly imagine. And that, of course, is assuming that they are telling the truth. And we know what a mistake that is.

With kids you can have them point to a scale with little frowny and happy faces.

But back to the sleep thing. Last night I was up pretty late and woke up twice during the night, which is about average. If I had had to get up more often, or if I hadn't slept well once I fell back to sleep, that might have turned out to be a D. But as I said in the comment box, I could have been up three times and slept really well once I got back to sleep, so I might rate that a B.

This morning I got to sleep in and I can catch a nap this afternoon if I want to. So that's a higher sleep rating in itself.

Don't read too much into this. It's so subjective; I could give a sleep rating of B at the beginning of the post and by the end realize I probably should have given it a C. Really it's just another way to complain.

And yes, I know there are all kinds of wonderful sleepers out there; Wilson's got a closet full of samples. Sometimes I'll take some Benadryl if I'm really desperate. But, you know, I take Vicodin because I have to. I drink Scotch because I want to. I don't think I need to add a hypnotic to that cocktail.


Blogger Auditrix said...

Reasonably sunny -- yes,as long as they have teeth.

Taruia -- Lavender? Chamomile? I'm a doctor, not a warlock.

January 23, 2005 3:45 PM  

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