Monday, January 17, 2005

7:20 AM

mood: distracted

last night's sleep rating: C-

rounds start: as soon as the beautiful Cameron fills my cup and delivers it to my outstretched hand

who's late this morning?: Nobody. Rounds do not start without me, therefore I am never late. It's good to be king.

It's just me and Cameron this morning. Foreman took the day -- I think he's giving a talk at a middle school or some such thing. I think I shall make him give a presentation on it tomorrow. Chase just took the day because he could. Why is he doing a fellowship here? He should be working with some guy in plastics so he can open his own Botox clinic in Florida someday.

I wish Chase, at least, had come in. Then he could take Cameron down to breakfast. Too much attempted nurturing going on when it's just her.


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