Thursday, January 13, 2005

8:42 AM

I've been surfing around and looking at some of these blogs. Some of them are so cute it's disgusting. Should I start putting little blurbs about my feelings on each post?

mood: irascible

We're done with rounds and my ducklings are off to get some breakfast. Of course Cameron offered to pick up something for me. What is up with her? So I asked for a bagel just so she wouldn't get her feelings hurt. Foreman's stomach was audibly growling during rounds, and today is omelet day down at the caf. I don't think I'm going to see them for a while. So I pulled Cameron's chart again. Maybe I missed something am going to have to read between the lines because someone idiot didn't chart. It occurs to me that if she had been prescribed folic acid, then surely even the densest doctor would have also recorded that she had been pregnant. Maybe she's got another OB-GYN chart out there somewhere that we don't have. Maybe she was taking OTC PNV (that's over-the-counter pre-natal vitamins, for those of you not in the Secret Medical Club.) Maybe she had a miscarriage and never told anyone.

Please, please, please let this not be a clinic day. It is too early for my back to be feeling like this. Do I have enough for today? One of the many positive changes that this crip thing has brought into my life is that I am now an amazingly accurate human barometer, and I can tell you that the weather is going to go from merely dreary to pretty crappy in the next day or two. But then if the weather's bad tomorrow, I can skip the clinic. Are we going to get ice? Wilson should be in shortly -- I'll ask him to stock me up for the weekend.


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